University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

Volume 123, Issue 3

July 2024

On the Cover: Anatomy Study by Swetha Sriramoju


This issue of WMJ features research and commentary exploring mental health among medical students and youth in Wisconsin, weight stigma in health care, perspectives from people who had second trimester abortions for fetal anomaly,  pneumococcal vaccines for older adults, and more.

Download a complete PDF of the issue. Click here to view the WMJ archive.




From the Editor
Thriving in Your First Year of Medical Training 
Fahad Aziz, MD, FASN

Perspectives on Weight Stigma and Bias in Medical Education: Implications for Improving Health Outcomes 
Erin L.M. Bowden, BS; Elizabeth M. Petty, MD

Partnering is Paramount: Engaging Care Partners to Improve Delirium Identification
Blair P. Golden, MD, MS; Farah A. Kaiksow, MD, MPP; Amy J.H. Kind, MD, PhD

As I See It 
Making Space
Sophia Neman, BA

Dean’s Corner
The Future of Global Neurosurgery: Invest in People and Education in Areas of Need 
Robert J. Dempsey, MD; Robert N. Golden, MD

Letter to the Editor
Improving Geographical Cohorting of Patients Admitted Under Hospitalist Service
Precious Anyanwu, BS; Kavita Naik, MD; Sanjay Bhandari, MD, MS; Pinky Jha, MD, MPH; Barbara Slawski, MD, MS

Letter to the Editor
Integrating Artificial Intelligence Into Radiology Resident Training: A Call to Action 
Nageen Waseem, MBBS; Muhammad Saad Farooq, MD

Letter to the Editor
Vigilance Needed in Polypharmacy Drugs 
Pugazhenthan Thangaraju, MD; Sajitha Venkatesan, MD


Mapping Milwaukee’s Blueprint for Peace: Evaluating the Geospatial Reach of a Cure Violence Implementation, 414LIFE 
Amber Brandolino, MS; Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS; Peter Nguyen, MD, CCRC; Ramneet Mann, BSc; Sydney Timmer-Murillo, PhD, MS; Marc de Moya, MD; Basil Karam, MD; Andrew Schramm, PhD, MS; Reggie Moore; Kathleen Williams, MD; Alicia Pilarski, DO; Brady McIntosh, MD; David J. Milia, MD

Abortion Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions of Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents at Four Midwestern Residency Programs Prior to Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health 
Abigail S. Cutler, MD, MPH; Elise S. Cowley, BS; Jessika A. Ralph, MD, MSCI; Jessie Chen, MD; Amy Godecker, PhD, MS; Jordan Ward, MD; Sarah Hutto, MD, MPH, Laura Jacques, MD

The Burden of Burnout and Importance of Mentorship for Preclinical Medical Students: Perspectives From a Public University Medical School 
Angela Kristo, BS; Elizabeth M. Petty, MD

‘I’m So Proud of How Hard You’re Trying’: A Photovoice Analysis of Youth Mental Health and Wellness in Wisconsin 
Sara Kohlbeck, PhD, MPH; Patricia Monroe, MEd, CHES

Diagnosis of Chagas Disease by Detecting Species-Specific Repetitive Genomic DNA from Filtered Human Urine Samples 
Miriam Price, BS; Nilanjan Lodh, PhD


Qualitative Pilot Study: Longitudinal Perspectives From People Who Had Second Trimester Abortions for Fetal Anomaly 
Elise S. Cowley, BS; Taryn M. Valley, MA*; Kelsey Christianson, BA; Suzanne Walczak, MD; Jessica A. Greenblatt, MD; Laura Jacques, MD

Assessment of a Pilot Peer Support Program for Suicide Prevention on a Medical School Campus: Impact on Awareness, Stigma, and Self-Efficacy for Outreach 
Cassandra Balson, BS; Justin York, BS; David Cipriano, PhD; Jeffery D. Fritz, PhD; Sara Kohlbeck, PhD, MPH; Shane Huang, MS; Margaret Lieb, MS

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Regarding Pneumococcal Vaccines in Adults 65 Years and Older in Primary Care in Wisconsin 
Mary F. Henningfield, PhD; Alice Yuroff, PhD; Lisa Sampson, MBA; Paul H. Hunter, MD


The Severe Skin Cancer Consequences of Extended Tanning Bed Use, A Case Report 
Jacqueline T. Cooper, MD; Melanie A. Clark, MD

Peripartum Uterine Clostridial Myonecrosis: A Report of Two Fatal Cases 
Laura Jacques, MD; Bridget Kelly, MD; John Soehl, MD; Matthew Wagar, MD; Janine Rhoades, MD; Elise S. Cowley, BS; Peter G. Pryde, MD; Abigail Cutler, MD; David Eschenbach, MD

Anisocoria Following Uncomplicated Cataract Surgery 
Jennifer Larson, MD; Madeline Arzbecker, BS

Cranial Nerve VI Palsy Secondary to Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: A Case Report and Literature Review 
Clara V. Kuranz, BS; Jennifer Larson, MD

Concurrent Acute Heart Failure and Renal Failure in Amyloid Light Chain Amyloidosis 
Kyle Cass, MD; Lila Luna, MD; William Kivlin, DO; Buckley Fechter, MD; Hari Paudel, MD

An Unusual Case of Disseminated Erdheim-Chester Disease 
Samira Samant, MD; Andrii Puzyrenko, MD, PhD; Haisam Abid, MD

A Case of Disseminated Mycobacterium Haemophilum in a Kidney Transplant Recipient Presenting With Subcutaneous Nodules 
Xin Ran Li, MD; Devesh Kumar, MD; Amber Y. Bo, MD; Jenna T. Le, BS; Ariana Ellis, MD; Kara Young, MD; Karolyn A. Wanat, MD; Mohan Dhariwal, DO; Pinky Jha, MD; Jaime Green, MD; Sol Aldrete, MD


Statistical Thinking: Clinical Versus Statistical Significance
Robert A. Calder MD, MS; Jayshil J. Patel, MD


Proceedings from the 2023 Wisconsin Dermatological Society Spring Conference

*Articles with this symbol have been approved for Continuing Education Credit. Click on the link to access each article and registration information.
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