University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

For Authors

Click the links below for all the information you need to submit a manuscript to WMJ.

Note: WMJ uses Editorial Manager, an online manuscript managing system developed by Aries Systems and used by over 2300 journals. To submit a manuscript, click here.

If you have questions, contact the WMJ editorial staff at 608.263.2758 or e-mail

Article Types

WMJ publishes several types of manuscripts on topics relevant to the practice of medicine in the Midwest. When submitting a manuscript to WMJ, please indicate in which category you would like your work to be considered. A description of each article type can be found below.

Peer-reviewed submissions

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Original Research

Original Research includes biomedical, clinical, educational or policy research that has not been previously published. Articles undergo a peer review process by members of the editorial board and others with expertise in the field addressed in the research.

IRB Approval and Informed Consent – For all manuscripts reporting data from studies involving human participants or animals, formal review and approval (or waiver) must be obtained from an institutional review board or ethics committee and should be described in the METHODS section. For studies involving human subjects, also state in the METHODS section how informed consent was obtained from the participants, whether oral or written.

Length: 3000 words (12 manuscript pages), not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.

References: Up to 25.

Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 5.

Abstract: Include a structured abstract, not exceeding 250 words, introducing the problem considered, research methods, results and conclusions. Use complete sentences, and do not cite references in the abstract. For an example of a structured abstract, click here.

Review Articles

Review Articles provide a systematic, in-depth analysis of the available literature on a specific clinical, educational or public health topic, with an emphasis on evidence-based research. They should include discussion of any differences of opinion or unresolved issues, and must be up-to-date with references.

Length: 4000 words (16 manuscript pages), not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.

References: No more than 50.

Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 3.

Abstract: Include an abstract, not to exceed 250 words, structured into five (5) sections:

  1. Introduction: Briefly describe the question or issue and its importance to clinical practice or public health.
  2. Objective: State the primary objective of the review. Include information about the specific population, treatment, outcome, or other topic being reviewed.
  3. Methods: Describe how evidence was acquired, including data sources, search methods, time period searched, and other relevant information about the review process.
  4. Results: Report the major findings of the review in an objective, evidence-based manner.
  5. Conclusions: Explain how the evidence answers the question or issue raised, and how clinicians can apply this knowledge.

Case Reports

Case Reports can include either a single case or a case series that addresses unusual manifestations of common problems or unusual or rare occurrences in the clinical setting. Case reports should contain sufficient clinical information and unique details for readers to understand the case itself, provide a thoughtful review of how the case fits into the context of the problem being addressed, and should make clear how the case report adds to the medical literature.

Informed Consent: If images or data in a case report manuscript could be used to identify a patient, a signed statement of informed consent to publish (in print and online) should be obtained. This should be indicated in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section of the manuscript.

Length: 2000 words (8 manuscript pages), not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.

References: Up to 15.

Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 3.

Abstract: Include an abstract, not to exceed 150 words, structured into four (4) sections:

  1. Introduction: Tell why this case is important and needs to be reported.
  2. Case presentation: Give brief details of what the patient presented with, including the patient’s age, sex, and ethnic background.
  3. Discussion: Provide a brief review of similar published cases.
  4. Conclusion: Explain what the reader should learn from the case report and what the clinical impact will be.

Additional guidelines for writing case reports can be found here.

Brief Reports (including Health Innovations)

Brief Reports are for presenting the results of local demonstration projects, pilot studies or preliminary research. Included in this category are Health Innovations submissions—reports that showcase the outcomes of initiatives and interventions being tested in clinical and community settings to improve health care quality and delivery, patient safety and satisfaction, and cost efficiency. Consideration is given to the originality of the intervention or initiative, potential to inform others and ability to replicate the results.

Length: 1500 words (6 manuscript pages), not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.

References: Up to 10.

Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 3.

Abstract: Include an abstract, not to exceed 120 words, stating objectives, process used, and outcome:

  1. Background: Definition of problem that intervention/initiative is meant to address, i.e., “Why we did this.”
  2. Methods: Description of initiative/intervention and how it was implemented.
  3. Results: Outcomes, with data (preliminary results of pilot projects are acceptable).
  4. Discussion: Lessons learned and implications.

Editorial-Reviewed Submissions

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Commentaries are meant to provide an in-depth overview of an area of clinical medicine, policy or education that the WMJ Editor and the Editorial Board have chosen to highlight. These are generally solicited, but on occasion are published from submissions. Commentaries should be 700 to 1500 words (3 to 6 pages) and may include up to 15 references.

As I See It

As I See It is a section of WMJ for original essays or stories that relate to medical practice, education or biomedical research. The author should be sure that the topic area would be of interest to WMJ readers. The length should reflect the essay, but not exceed 900 words or 4 pages. References are not required.

Letters to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to the WMJ Editor and, when commenting on published content, should include the correct reference. Letters should not exceed 400 words or 2 pages, and may include up to 5 references.


Editorials are solicited rather than submitted, and relate to content in a specific issue of WMJ. Word count should be 700 to 900 words (3 to 4 pages).


WMJ follows the ICMJE recommendations for Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors. “The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:

  • Substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; AND
  • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.”

All authors should meet each of these conditions. Contributors who do not meet all 4 of the above criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged.


WMJ expects authors to disclose any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. All funding sources supporting the work must be acknowledged, as must all institutional or corporate affiliations of all authors. Author disclosure declarations must be filled out and signed by each author and must accompany the initial submission. (Access the Disclosure form.)


Accepted manuscripts become the property of WMJ and may not be published elsewhere, in part or in whole, without permission from WMJ. Abstracts may be reproduced without specific permission, provided that acknowledgment of the source is made.

Publication Fees

There are no fees for the submission or publication of articles in WMJ.