University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

Improving HPV Vaccination Rates: A Comprehensive Evaluation of a Clinician-Centered Educational Initiative in a Wisconsin Health Care System

Malia Jones, PhD, MPH; Nicholas B. Schmuhl, PhD; Jeff Pier, BS; Sarah Bradley, MD; Lindsay Geier, MD; James H. Conway, MD

WMJ. 2024;123(5):344-349.

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Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection poses significant public health concerns due to its prevalence and association with various cancers. This study assesses a 2014 quality improvement initiative in Wisconsin’s largest health care system. The intervention aimed to improve HPV vaccine initiation and completion among eligible patients and to reduce the gap in vaccination rates between males and females.

Methods: Educational sessions delivered to health care providers and staff at select clinics focused on current HPV vaccination recommendations and strategies for patient communication. Preintervention and postintervention surveys assessed changes in clinician knowledge and attitudes. Clinic-level data on HPV vaccination rates compared intervention and control clinics at 12 and 36 months following the intervention.

Results: Postintervention knowledge and attitudes regarding HPV vaccination improved, and intervention clinics demonstrated notable increases in HPV vaccine initiation and completion rates across various age and sex groups at 12- and 36-month follow-up. The gap between female and male HPV vaccination rates narrowed in some age groups in intervention clinics, but the effect was inconsistent.

Conclusions: This study highlights the potential effectiveness of an in-person educational intervention in improving HPV vaccination rates in a health care system. Clinicians’ enhanced understanding of vaccination guidelines, coupled with real-time data feedback, contributed to sustained improvements. To address resource challenges, future interventions may explore cost-effective alternatives. These findings underscore the pivotal role of clinicians in increasing HPV vaccine uptake, emphasizing the importance of aligning interventions with evolving vaccination recommendations to combat HPV-related cancers more effectively.

Author Affiliations: Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin (Jones); Population Health Institute, UW-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin (Schmuhl); UW Health Analytics, Madison, Wisconsin (Pier); UW Health, Northern Illinois Medical Group, Rockford, Illinois (Bradley); SSM Health Monroe Clinic Medical Group, Monroe, Wisconsin (Geier); UW School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatrics, Madison, Wisconsin (Conway).
Corresponding Author: Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Environmental Health, UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 354 Agricultural Hall, 1450 Linden Dr, Madison WI 53705; email; ORCID ID 0000-0002-8198-0826
Funding/Support: Funding support was provided by UW Health Clinic Operations and the UW Health Medical Foundation, Center for Clinical Knowledge Management.
Financial Disclosures: Dr. Conway reports receiving honoraria for the following: Pfizer vaccines – scientific advisory, Moderna vaccines – scientific advisory, GSK vaccines – scientific advisory, Merch vaccines – scientific advisory.
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Sandy Jacobson and Laura Brunner, along with the members of the UW Health Immunization Task Force, for their support of this project. Special thanks to Pamela Kittleson for assistance with assembling clinician data for all the intervention programs.
Acknowledgment of the Use of Generative AI Technology: The text of this manuscript was written by the authors. The final edit on the manuscript was assisted by generative AI technology including OpenAI version 4.0 (2023) and Grammarly 14.1123.0 (2023). These technologies were used to check grammar, suggest changes for writing clarity, and suggest changes to the text reducing the total word count to the journal requirements.
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