August 2016
A border battle: determining the healthiest state
From size and population diversity to climate, Wisconsin and Minnesota share a number of similarities. Yet when it comes to measuring health outcomes, Minnesota consistently fares better. Using County Health Rankings for both states, a study in this issue of WMJ breaks down the results and explores reasons for the health differences.
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In This Issue
Rivalries Can Be Good
John J. Frey III, MD, WMJ Medical Editor
WMJ. 2016;115(4):171-172.
Wisconsin Versus Minnesota: A Border Battle for the Healthiest State
Elizabeth Pollock; Corina Norrbom, MD; Edward Ehlinger, MD; Patrick Remington, MD, MPH
WMJ. 2016;115(4):173-178.
Simulation Training to Maintain Neonatal Resuscitation and Pediatric Sedation Skills for Emergency Medicine Faculty
Joshua Ross, MD; Greg Rebella, MD; Mary Westergaard, MD; Sara Damewood, MD; Jamie Hess, MD
WMJ. 2016;115(4):180-184.
A Profile of Patients Who Fail to Keep Appointments in a Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinic
Elizabeth M. Boos, MPH; Marvin J. Bittner, MD; Michael R. Kramer, PhD
WMJ. 2016;115(4):185-190.
Insights From Building a New National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program Site
Thomas Saphner, MD; Michael A. Thompson, MD, PhD; Sara Planton, BSN; Maharaj Singh, PhD; Neha Glandt, BA; Lisa Robinson, BS; Jan DeBartolo, MSN
WMJ. 2016;115(4):191-195.
Comparison of Ischemic Colitis in the Young and the Elderly
Muhammed Sherid, MD; Salih Samo, MD; Samian Sulaiman, MD; Husein Husein, Sankara N. Sethuraman, PhD; Dharma Thiruvaiyaru, PhD; Charles Spurr, MD; Humberto Sifuentes, MD; Subbaramiah Sridhar, MBBS, MPH
WMJ. 2016;115(4):196-202.
Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Case Series
Jensena Carlson, MD; Nathaniel Schwartz, BS; Sarina Schrager, MD, MS
WMJ. 2016;115(4):203-205.
‘Euglycemic’ Ketoacidosis in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes Being Treated With Canagliflozin
Christopher Danford, MD; Pennapa Chan, MD; Steven. B. Magill, MD, PhD
WMJ. 2016;115(4):206-209.
Looking Back…to 1917
US Government Health Activities
WMJ. 2016;115(4):169.
Dean’s Corner
A Strategic Approach to Addressing the Rural Wisconsin Physician Shortage
Byron Crouse, MD; Robert N. Golden, MD
WMJ. 2016;115(4):210-211.
MetaStar Matters
Certified EHRs Remain Central to Patient Care in CMS Quality Payment Program
Lori Manteufel, BBA; Jay Gold, MD, JD, MPH
WMJ. 2016;115(4):213-214.