University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

Author Submission Checklist

Please read the entire Instructions for Authors carefully, and comply with all of the guidelines. In order for your manuscript to be considered for publication, the following elements must be completed appropriately:

  • All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter containing the following sentence: “In consideration of WMJ’s taking action in reviewing and editing this submission, the author(s) hereby transfer(s), assign(s), or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership to WMJ in the event that this work is published in WMJ.” All co-authors must sign the letter.
  • An Author Disclosure Declaration (potential conflict of interest) form must be completed for each named author and included with the initial submission. (Note: you will need to use Firefox or IE to access the form.)
  • The title page must designate a corresponding author and provide a complete address, telephone number and e-mail address. Institutional affiliations are needed for each co-author.
  • Use 1-inch margins and double-space throughout. Please use 12 pt. font, preferably Times New Roman.
  • Pages must be numbered.
  • All articles for peer-review must have a structured abstract. (An abstract is also preferred for non-peer reviewed manuscripts.) Do not cite references, URLs, figures, or tables in the abstract.  For an example of a structured abstract, go to:
  • References must follow AMA style and abbreviations of journal names must follow those in Index Medicus. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Consult the WMJ for examples of proper form.
  • Figure legends must be typed double spaced on pages separate from the main manuscript text. Abbreviations used in the figure must be listed in the legend and all symbols must be explained. All lettering and symbols must be of a readable size—12 pt. is recommended.
  • Submit figures separately from the manuscript in their native image file format (e.g., JPG, TIFF, EPS, PNG, XLS), NOT embedded in the document. Tables should be included as editable text at the end of the manuscript document, with each on a separate page.
  • WMJ uses Editorial Manager, an online manuscript managing system. To submit a manuscript, click hereNote: Because peer reviews are blinded, you must submit a separate title page with author information. The manuscript document should not include any author information.

All manuscripts will be checked for these items before being sent out for peer review. Non-compliant manuscripts will be returned for modification before being reviewed, resulting in a delay.