University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

Volume 110, Issue 2

April 2011

Hidden in Plain Sight: Ticks & other potential health risks emerge as warm weather returns

Forty years ago, many clinical topics focused on infection and infectious diseases rather than cancer, genomics, and chronic illness—the subjects of much of today’s medical literature. While a great deal has changed, much remains the same: infectious diseases are still important health concerns. This issue of WMJ highlights tick-borne illnesses and other infectious diseases found in our region, serving as a reminder to readers of some of nature’s hidden dangers.

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In This Issue
Infectious Diseases Still Cause for Concern
John J. Frey, III, MD, WMJ Medical Editor
WMJ. 2011;110(2):55-56.

Original Research

Etiology of Chest Pain in Children and Adolescents Referred to Cardiology Clinic
Carleen L. Hanson, MD; John S. Hokanson, MD
WMJ. 2011;110(2):58-67.

Attitudes of Wisconsin Pediatricians Toward Influenza Immunization
Nicholas M. Edwards, MD, MPH; Nicole L. Baumann-Blackmore, MD; Thomas N. Saari, MD, FAAP
WMJ. 2011;110(2):63-67.

Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Blastomycosis Using Case Vignettes: A Wisconsin Network for Health Research (WiNHR) Study
Dennis J. Baumgardner, MD; Jonathan L. Temte, MD, PhD; Erin Gutowski, MPH; William A. Agger, MD; Howard Bailey, MD; James K. Burmester, PhD; Indrani Banerjee
WMJ. 2011;110(2):68-72.

An Analysis of Lobbying Activity on Tobacco Issues in the Wisconsin Legislature
David Ahrens, MS; Nathan Jones, PhD; Kyle Pfister, BS; Patrick L. Remington, MD, MPH
WMJ. 2011;110(2):74-77.

Review Article

The Management of Ixodes scapularis Bites in the Upper Midwest
Elizabeth L. Maloney, MD
WMJ. 2011;110(2):78-81.

Case Report

Rhabdomyolysis-induced Acute Kidney Injury Secondary to Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Concomitant Statin Use
Stephen R. Talsness, BA; Sanjay K. Shukla, PhD; Joseph J. Mazza, MD; Steven H. Yale, MD
WMJ. 2011;110(2):82-84.

Your Profession

From the Office of General Counsel
A Tough Act to Follow-Wisconsin’s Quality Improvement Act Great for Health Care Providers
Sarah E. Coyne, JD
WMJ. 2011;110(2):87-88.

Dean’s Corner
Addressing Physician Workforce Needs in Wisconsin
Robert N. Golden, MD
WMJ. 2011;110(2):89-90.

Metastar Matters
MetaStar Achieves High Performance on Medicare Contract
Jay A. Gold, MD, JD, MPH
WMJ. 2011;110(2):91-92.

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