University of Wisconsin–Madison Medical College of Wisconsin

Volume 112, Issue 5

October 2013

Educating Tomorrow’s Physicians

“The education of physicians has been the subject of debate for over a century” and “begins long before the first day in medical school.” So states a report in this issue of WMJ, which features three articles focusing on very different aspects of the journey to becoming a physician.

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In This Issue
Making Progress, but Still a Way to Go
John J. Frey, III, MD, WMJ Medical Editor
WMJ. 2013;112(5):191.

The Art of Doctoring – Inspiring a Generation
Robert J. Dempsey, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):189-190.

Original Research

Providing Premedical Students with Quality Clinical and Research Experience: The Tobacco Science Scholars Program
James M. Davis, MD; Maggie C. Anderson; Kristin A. Stankevitz; Alison R. Manley
WMJ. 2013;112(5):195-198.

Barriers and Facilitators of Universal HIV Screening Among Internal Medicine Residents
Meghan B. Brennan, MD; Christine Kolehmainen, MD; Joshua Barocas, MD; Carol Isaac, PhD; Christopher J. Crnich, MD; James M. Sosman, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):199-205.

Child Abuse Pediatric Consults in the Pediatric Emergency Department Improve Adherence to Hospital Guidelines
Tara Webb, MD; Thomas Valvano, MD, JD; Melodee Nugent, MA; Marlene Melzer-Lange, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):206-210.

Public Health Brief Report

Progress in Reducing Premature Deaths in Wisconsin Counties, 2000-2010
Thomas Nonnweiler; Elizabeth A. Pollock, BS; Barbara Rudolph, PhD, MSSW; Patrick L. Remington, MD, MPH
WMJ. 2013;112(5):211-214.

Case Reports

Heiner Syndrome Mimicking an Immune Deficiency
Jerome A. Sigua, MD; Michael Zacharisen, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):215-217.

Heat-Related Fatalities in Wisconsin During the Summer of 2012
Megan L. Christenson, MS, MPH; Sarah Dee Geiger, PhD, MS; Henry A. Anderson, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):219-223.

Your Profession

Looking Back…to 1938
The Whole Patient
Paul F. Doege, JG Crownhart
WMJ. 2013;112(5):188.

Dean’s Corner
Clinical Implementation of Whole Genome Sequencing a Valuable Step Toward Personalized Care
Joseph E. Kerschner, MD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):224-225.

Your Practice

Driven to Serve
W. Stancil Starnes, JD
WMJ. 2013;112(5):226.

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