Jessica Hayes, MD; Sarah Vepraskas, MD
WMJ. 2020;119(4):282-285.
Objective: To assess parental perceptions regarding reason for and length of their infant’s hospitalization and to understand family preferences for time of discharge.
Methods: Participants included parents of infants who were noncomplex, well-appearing infants, aged 7 to 60 days, and evaluated for fever without a source. A 5-question structured interview was administered over a 6-month period.
Results: Parents understood that fever necessitated admission for further diagnostic evaluation and that admissions would be no more than 48 hours if bacterial cultures were negative. Over one-third of patients’ families preferred overnight discharge.
Discussion: Parents recognize reasons for admission and the rationale for length of stay. Preferences for time of discharge can serve as a starting point for shared decision-making between parents and providers.