AshLeigh M. Sanchez, MA; Kristin Busse, PharmD; Karen MacKinnon, BPharm; Lisa Henk, MS; George E. MacKinnon, PhD; Jennifer Brown, BS; Susan Mauermann, RN; Teresa Dobrowski; Jayne Jungmann; Jennifer Bultman, BS, PMP; Siddhartha Singh, MD; Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH
WMJ. 2021;120(4):305-308.
The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) COVID-19 Vaccination Program facilitated early vaccination efforts in metro Milwaukee, Wisconsin from December, 2020 through April, 2021. Goals of the program were to work with clinical partners to ensure rapid vaccination availability for the institution’s frontline workforce, to support state public health agencies in offering a vaccination opportunity for underserved and higher education community members, and to train vaccinators. A key component of the program was the MCW COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic, and 88% of MCW’s workforce was fully immunized against COVID-19 with the 2-dose, mRNA vaccine by April 30, 2021. Within the MCW clinic, 219 pharmacy and medical students learned to administer vaccinations, and 12,450 community vaccinations were administered.